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We all have circumstances in life that knock us down

And we sometimes need some extra help, support, or guidance to get to the other side of them. Reasons that we may not be able to do it on our own and could benefit from coaching include such things as: a negative mindset, feeling stuck in a funk, lack of knowledge, lack of clarity, lack of direction (not knowing where to start), inability to do it on your own, can’t envision it, doubt/disbelief, insecurity, needing accountability, lack of drive/motivation, loss of hope, needing inspiration, lack of control, lack of commitment to change, inability to plan, or unconscious thoughts/beliefs/habits/fears.
Interested? Scroll on!

Are you experiencing...


Or even this:

Or this:

  • Emotional pain

  • Mental fatigue

  • Negativity/toxic thoughts

  • Hopelessness

  • Unfulfilled

  • Stress

  • Overworked

  • Lack of purpose

  • No moral compass

  • Toxic, unsafe or overwhelming home or work environment

  • Poor Relationships

  • Poor boundaries

  • People pleasing

  • Perfectionism

  • Financial worries/fear of lack

  • Insecurity

  • Not enough

  • Feeling unloveable

  • Poor health

  • Loneliness

  • Low self-esteem

  • Self-Doubt

  • Spiritually lost

  • Not feeling heard, seen or valued

lighter, happy, joyful, content, increased energy, positive, productive, hopeful, fulfilled, calm, peaceful, rested, purpose-driven, morally sound, safe, calm, improved relationships, healthy boundaries, authentic, motivated, worthy, loveable, loving, healthy, connected and confident!
Coaching can help you feel: 

How many of us growing up thought to ourselves…..
“I would really like to get divorced someday”?

It just wasn’t part of the fairy tale in our head, right? We all thought we would find our prince charming and walk off into the sunset living happily ever after. But sometimes, life doesn’t quite go the way we pictured it. We find ourselves in situations we never thought we would be in and it can be painful and scary and overwhelming. In those moments, we might really need that lighthouse in the storm, that life preserver thrown to us as we are sinking in the waves crashing around us. That is where I come in. To be that lighthouse, that leg up in the storm, that cheerleader, guide, and friend. I have been there. I was not only a child of divorce, but went through my own painful, high-conflict divorce and then through another appeal process all the way to the Supreme Court, which took almost another 3 years. I have been knocked down. I have had to look myself in the mirror and figure out who I was and where to go from there. I had to find my confidence and empower myself to do some very hard things. I know the fears that keep you up at night. I know the pain that can be so overpowering that it feels like it will never end. I know the grief and the loss of not only a marriage or primary relationship; but the loss of all that goes with that (family, friends, finances, security, etc). I remember searching for anyone who could help me. Who could save me? I had some amazing people in my life who helped and I will be forever grateful for them. It was when I made a DECISION to work on myself in that process, that things began to change for me.…

My divorce changed the trajectory of my life. The old me, the pre-divorce me, was living for everyone else. She was codependent, a people pleaser, so afraid of not being perfect or not living up to everyone else’s expectations that she lost herself in that process.
 I literally remember sitting on my couch and thinking to myself, “I have no idea who I am right now.” I was so full of fear and doubt in myself and in my life and had no idea where my inner child was or how to even find her. That day I made a DECISION to change. To face every one of my fears, to find out who I was, and to hunt down the child inside me that had apparently run away or was in hiding somewhere. I started working with a coach and it changed my life. For the first time, I began to feel empowered and regained my confidence, and began to figure out who I was under all the masks I had been wearing. I got to work on my healing, made a list of my fears, faced my core wounds and my attachment style, and met that little girl inside again.

Now, I help others do this too. I get so excited and emotional every time I see one of my clients learn new things about themselves, or take steps to tackle the old fears, limiting beliefs, or old programming that has been running the show for years, if not their whole lives. You don’t have to settle. You can change your life. You can get reacquainted with who you are and begin to live more in alignment with that, which will lead to more authenticity in you and in your relationships, improved connections, and personal fulfillment. Give me a call if this sounds like you. I’d love to help while having so damn much fun in the process!


Ongoing (1 hour) coaching sessions to include individual or couples sessions (Does NOT include Assessment)
I Need This!
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A Good Fit If You Need:
A lighthouse, that leg up in the storm, that cheerleader, guide, and friend.

ELI Assessment Debrief & Follow Up

Includes the Assessment, results, 90-minute Debrief Session, plus a (1 hour) coaching session
I Need This!
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A Good Fit If You Need:
An ELI Assessment Debrief & Follow Up
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A Good Fit If You Need:
An Energy Leadership Index Assessment, Debrief, and ongoing coaching sessions

ELI Assessment Coaching Package

Includes the Assessment, results, 90-minute Debrief Session plus ongoing (1 hour) coaching sessions. The number of sessions will be determined by the coach and client and based on needs/goals.
I Need This!

Coaching Consultation

30-60 minute session to educate client about my coaching and to determine the client’s needs and whether coaching is a good fit
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A Good Fit If You Need:
Complimentary consultation to see if coaching is a good fit for you
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A Good Fit If You Need:
Support Group/Group Coaching with no charge

Divorce Support Group

Complimentary Divorce Support Group offered the 4th Monday of the month from 6-7pm at the Nebraska Collaborative Center
I Need This!

Public Speaking

Varies depending on event
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A Good Fit If You Need:
An energetic speaker for your next event

Energy Leadership Index Assessment


The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is a research-backed attitudinal assessment that provides insights into how you show up in various aspects of your life. The assessment measures your ability to lead yourself and others to take positive, productive, and sustainable action. Energy Leadership is the ability to identify and consciously work with your filters—and therefore, your energy. Unlike a kaleidoscope, which you choose to look through, the filters that shape how we perceive the world are often unconscious—which means the way we interact with the world and the energy we bring into our relationships can be as well. Relatedly, the Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) helps you see your filters, or the lens you look through, understand the energy you’re experiencing and expressing, and make decisions about how you perceive and influence the world around you. This insight allows you to show up in a new, transformative way with anyone else you interact with. For more information regarding this assessment, please feel free to ask. It takes about 20 minutes to complete and once your results are in, I will write it up and we will discuss it during a 90-minute debrief session.

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I am trained in Core Energy Coaching

which is a style of coaching that goes way deeper than just setting goals and strategies. In contrast to most coaching methodologies which are action-oriented and focused on identifying goals, creating steps to meet those goals, and then providing accountability to keep the client moving forward, Core Energy Coaching starts from an “inside out” approach, which proves to be more transformational and sustainable. It changes the client’s perspectives and shifts the energy level to a place of excitement and motivation! This leads to long-lasting and life-altering change! We have all learned limiting perspectives about the world, defeating thoughts, and outdated beliefs that we have unconsciously picked up from family, society, and the media. Many of those thoughts and feelings live under the surface, hidden from our awareness, and are huge drivers of unproductive choices and behaviors. I have received specialized training to uncover these inner blind spots, gently bring awareness to the client, and shift these inner blocks to cultivate new perspectives and helpful beliefs that support the client’s success from a deep and sustainable level.
I bring a holistic approach to my coaching in that we will look at and address all aspects of Wellness. 

According to the National Wellness Institute...

“Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.”  It involves a shift from unconscious living (where you do not think about your health or well-being until you have a problem or experience symptoms) to conscious living (where you are actively making healthy choices to promote your success and well-being).

Wellness is multidimensional in that there are several different areas of life considered to be a part of overall wellness.  It is not just about physical activity and good nutrition.  It includes positive choices and a sense of fulfillment spiritually, occupationally, mentally, emotionally, physically, environmentally, socially, and financially.  It is more about living life fully and is a lifestyle and a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to become the best kind of person that your potential, circumstances, and fate will allow.
Wellness is holistic in that it encompasses the total person and explores the relationship between various dimensions of wellness.  Instead of simply treating symptoms, the approach to wellness involves understanding how the various dimensions are interrelated and may be affecting one another.  If you are not psychologically well, for instance, it is likely that your success in other areas of life will be impacted as well.  Attention must therefore be given to all of the dimensions, as neglect of any one over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health, well-being, and quality of life.  The goal of my coaching is to strive for “personal harmony” that feels most authentic to you.  We all naturally have our own priorities, approaches, and aspirations, including our own views of what it means to live life fully.  Through Core Energy Coaching, I will explore a client’s core values, beliefs, perceptions, blocks, filters, fears, and insecurities which can affect a person’s ability to move forward in life and find a sense of joy, fulfillment and an overall sense of well-being.  Through this methodology of coaching, I will help get to the core root of your challenges by identifying and shifting inner thoughts, beliefs and emotions that are blocking your success.  This can lead to reduced stress, connection with your purpose and passion, and increased fulfillment in all areas of life.
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You can’t really love yourself until you know yourself.

When I started coaching, I used to offer this as a workshop, but as I took on more and more clients, I realized that it was much more common than I realized and that almost everyone I worked with came to me feeling like they didn’t know who they were. I could relate to this so much, as I was that girl who sat on my couch during my divorce and said, “I have no idea who I am right now.” I had lived my entire life for everyone else, had gotten my identity through being a people pleaser and codependent, and overgave and focused so much on everyone else, that I lost myself in that process. It is pretty common for women; and especially if you have been in a long-term relationship. This has now become a regular component of my one-on-one coaching. It is my favorite thing I do and it is here that we begin to have a lot of FUN! We take that spotlight that has been shining on everyone else around you and we shine it on YOU! We look at what you think and feel and how this impacts how you show up in everything you do. We lean in to see if the things that are important to you are actually how you are living your life and help bring awareness around who you really are at the CORE and how to take steps to live more accordingly. We tap into that inner child and focus on memories and along with my intuitive ability to see things in people that they are unable to see in themselves, we are able to dig deep and see what’s inside. Once we start to live in alignment with who we are, we find true fulfillment. It is my goal to empower people to be happier and live more fulfilling lives!

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A Good Fit If You Need:
Just an ELI Assessment Debrief

ELI Assessment Debrief

Includes the Assessment, results and the 90-minute Debrief Session
I Need This!

Coaching brings awareness to those blocks and together we will explore and bring clarity to your overall level of satisfaction as well as the specific challenges in each area of your life, both internally and externally.​


Why Coaching:

Coaching is different from counseling or consulting in that YOU are the expert in your life.  My role is to help you find the answers inside of you by getting to your core, and to assist you in getting where you want to go from here.  Coaching is an investment in yourself and your future, and requires your participation, committment and accountability.  If you are all in on the process, coaching works!  Coaches are non-judgmental, good listeners, and capable of thinking outside the box in helping you find ways to make your life more manageable and fulfilling.  The relationship is a partnership between client and coach, and is meant to empower and inspire you to figure out who you are, how you want to show up, and then to make conscious choices and sustainable change in your life.

Through Core Energy Coaching, we will get to the core root of the problems, by identifying and shifting the unconscious inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that are blocking your success, as well as explore any and all external challenges that are getting in the way of your success and well-being in each area of wellness. We will move to action once we address the issues, challenges, and obstacles that are getting in the way, supporting you along the way, with every step and celebrating your successes.


Coaching will bring sustainable transformation & balance and a feeling of overall satisfaction and fulfillment. This can look or feel like: relief, emotional healing, peace, relaxation, moving forward, clarity, reduced stress, joy, calm, fulfillment, direction, confidence, purpose, passion, drive, productivity & success!


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Let's DO THIS!

Begin Here!
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How is coaching different from therapy?

Therapy tends to focus on mental health, past trauma and working to process and heal past wounds. Coaching is more action focused and is aimed to empower you and move you forward. I will say that the type of training that I have, Core Energy Coaching, does go deep as we get to the core root of the problem to shift the mindset, then feelings, then how you show up. I have had clients tell me it feels like therapy and I do talk a lot about feelings, as they are messages to what is getting in our way. But unlike a therapist, we won’t stay there too long as our focus is in shifting the energy/belief/thoughts/feelings to action.


Do I need a coach if I have a therapist?

I firmly support having both a coach and a therapist if needed, as we focus on different things and have different approaches. I personally utilized both, in addition to a spiritual director, all simultaneously during my divorce. We want to be sure all of your needs are being me

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How long/how often do I need coaching?

This varies depending on the needs of the client. We will discuss this in the consultation and I will ask for input from the client and give a recommendation. Most clients meet twice a month. Some meet weekly initially, especially if in crisis or needing additional support and guidance.

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Do you take insurance?

I am unable to accept insurance. Coaching is paid out of pocket by the client. I have had a client whose insurance paid for coaching. She submitted my invoices for reimbursement. You can check with your insurance provider to see if coaching is covered.

What does a coaching session look like?

All sessions are an hour and occur either in person, over Zoom or over the phone. We will typically begin the session following up on homework/progress from the previous session, then will address the concerns the client is needing assistance in working through. I always end the session with time to ask for takeaways and then moving to action. I want to make sure you are getting something out of our time together and how you will apply it going forward.

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As a coach who works with clients anywhere along the process of divorce, relationships, and life after loss, it makes sense that healing becomes part of this journey.

I am trained in recovery through Rebuilders International, which focuses on the work of Dr. Bruce Fisher and his trusted resource for Divorce Recovery, “Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends”. This is an integral part of the transformation process, in getting to a place of acceptance, forgiveness, letting go, and moving on. I am skilled in various tools to assist in the grieving process and how to move forward to focus on your new life and the new you on the other side. Some of this work involves inner child healing, as oftentimes, core wounds get triggered during or after the divorce or relationship loss, which brings up old wounds that need to be identified, acknowledged, and healed from the past.

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